All Lower Quarter

Supine to Prone Leading with the Upper Body

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, All Lower Quarter, Rolling

Supine to Prone Leading with the Upper Body

Supine to Prone Leading with the Upper Body

Patient is lying supine with legs extended and slightly abducted and arms flexed overhead and slightly abducted.

Head starts in the neutral position.

Ask patient to roll onto her stomach by reaching obliquely across with her right arm.

The patient’s head should flex and turn towards the left axilla.

The lower body should not contribute to the roll, watch for assistance by the legs.

Evaluate for the quality, ease of movement, respiration, synergy and ability to complete the roll using only the right upper body.

Repeat by rolling to the right using only the left upper body and compare the two sides.

Supine to Prone Leading with Lower Body

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, All Lower Quarter, Rolling

Supine to Prone Leading with Lower Body

How to Perform

Supine to Prone Leading with Lower Body

Patient is lying supine with arms separated overhead and legs apart, 10 and 2 and 8 and 4 positions.

Ask the patient to roll to the prone position starting with the right leg only.

The patient should lead with right hip flexion followed by adduction of the extended leg.

The upper body should not contribute to the roll.

Evaluate for the quality, ease of movement, respiration, synergy and ability to complete the roll without substitution.

Repeat with the left leg to assess for symmetry and quality of the movement.

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction – Self Correction

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 5 Home Exercise Strategy, All Home Exercises, All Lower Quarter, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Self-mobilization, Supine Heel slide, Supine Hip ABD and ER

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction – Self Correction

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction – Self Correction

  • The patient is lying on their back with a ball placed between the knees.
  • Instruct the patient to gently squeeze the knees together.
  • Hold 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times.

PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Mobilization, Supine Hip ABD and ER

PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching


PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

  • Patient is prone with hip flexed, abducted and ER
  • Therapist applies a lateral to medial glide to the hip working all along the hip to find the direction of the greatest restriction
  • PA glides are applied and can be graded from I to IV
  • This technique as pictured also
    mobilizes the right obturator nerve

Muscle Energy Technique for the Hip Adductors

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Muscle Energy, Supine Hip ABD and ER

Muscle Energy Technique for the Hip Adductors

Muscle Energy Technique for the Hip Adductors:

  • Once the hip joint is mobilized then the therapist can stretch the hip adductors with a series of contract/relax efforts
  • Therapist’s left hand stabilizes the pelvis and the right hand abducts the leg to the barrier.
  • Patient is instructed to gently pull the R knee down towards the table for 5-7 seconds.
  • Upon relaxation the therapist abducts the leg further to the new barrier and repeats 3 to 4 times.

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Mobilization, Supine Hip ABD and ER

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

Lateral Recumbent

To mobilize the right hip:
Patient is left side lying with bottom leg flexed for stability. Therapist supports the patient’s right leg with his right hand and places the hypothenar eminence of the left hand on the greater trochanter of the hip. The leg is taken into abduction in various amounts of hip flexion while the therapist applies a lateral to medial glide to assess joint play. If a restriction is found, the therapist can mobilize in the direction of the greatest perceived restriction.

Janda Test – Assessment of iliopsoas, TFL, and rectus femoris tone

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, All Lower Quarter, Supine Heel slide

Janda Test – Assessment of iliopsoas, TFL, and rectus femoris tone

Janda Test – Assessment of iliopsoas, TFL, and rectus femoris tone (Jull and Janda, 1987)

  • Knees flexed to chest, then R leg stabilized by patient and therapist, L leg lowered towards the floor
  • Check for iliopsoas length – 0º of hip extension, rectus femoris length – 90º of knee flexion, TFL –no rotation of femur
  • Repeat assessment for the R leg

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/Off Flossing

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip EXT Firing Pattern, Manual Stretching, Mobilization, Supine Heel slide

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/Off Flossing

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/off flossing

  • Therapist stabilizes the right ischial tuberosity
  • Therapist passively flexes and extends the  knee on/off 10 times to the motion barrier
  • Therapist gradually increases the amount of knee flexion as resistance diminishes
  • Goal – heel to buttocks

Muscle Energy Technique for the Tensor Fascia Latae

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip EXT Firing Pattern, Muscle Energy

Muscle Energy Technique for the Tensor Fascia Latae

Muscle Energy Technique for the Tensor Fascia Latae

  • Therapist maintains firm contact on the right ischial tuberosity
  • Therapist’s right hand externally rotates the femur, extends the hip and then adducts the hip to the barrier
  • Subject is asked to abduct the hip for 5-7 seconds
  • Upon relaxation the therapist introduces
    further hip adduction to a new barrier
  • This is repeated 3-4 times

Muscle Energy Technique for the Iliopsoas

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip EXT Firing Pattern, Muscle Energy, Pelvic Clocks, Supine Curl Up, Supine Heel slide

Muscle Energy Technique for the Iliopsoas

Muscle Energy Technique for the Iliopsoas

  • Therapist blocks subject’s left foot with his left foot
  • Therapist stabilizes the right ischial tuberosity with his left hand and IR the femur with his right
  • Therapist then applies traction and lifts the hip into extension
  • Subject attempts to flex the hip for 5-7 seconds
  • Upon relaxation the therapist lifts the leg into further hip extension to a new barrier while maintaining IR of the femur
  • This is repeated 3-4 times