Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Mobilization, Pelvic Clocks

Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

Prone Hip Flexor Stretch Sequence: Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

  • Subject’s left foot is placed on the floor with lumbar spine side bent to the left and right leg in alignment with the trunk
  • Therapist flexes the right knee to assess free range and holds the knee flexed just short of end range
  • Therapist then applies a PA glide to the femur from medial to lateral to find the direction of the greatest restriction
  • The therapist then mobilizes the hip in a PA direction applying grade III to IV mobs for 1-2 minutes

PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Mobilization, Supine Hip ABD and ER

PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching


PA Mobilization of the Hip in Prone Crawl

  • Patient is prone with hip flexed, abducted and ER
  • Therapist applies a lateral to medial glide to the hip working all along the hip to find the direction of the greatest restriction
  • PA glides are applied and can be graded from I to IV
  • This technique as pictured also
    mobilizes the right obturator nerve

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Mobilization, Supine Hip ABD and ER

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

Mobilization of Medial and Inferior Hip Capsule Prior to Hip Adductor Stretching

Lateral Recumbent

To mobilize the right hip:
Patient is left side lying with bottom leg flexed for stability. Therapist supports the patient’s right leg with his right hand and places the hypothenar eminence of the left hand on the greater trochanter of the hip. The leg is taken into abduction in various amounts of hip flexion while the therapist applies a lateral to medial glide to assess joint play. If a restriction is found, the therapist can mobilize in the direction of the greatest perceived restriction.

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/Off Flossing

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Hip EXT Firing Pattern, Manual Stretching, Mobilization, Supine Heel slide

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/Off Flossing

Rectus Femoris/ Femoral Nerve Mobilization : On/off flossing

  • Therapist stabilizes the right ischial tuberosity
  • Therapist passively flexes and extends the  knee on/off 10 times to the motion barrier
  • Therapist gradually increases the amount of knee flexion as resistance diminishes
  • Goal – heel to buttocks

Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, Mobilization, Rolling, Supine Heel slide

Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

Prone Hip Flexor Stretch Sequence: Anterior Hip Capsule Mobilization

  • Subject’s left foot is placed on the floor with lumbar spine side bent to the left and right leg in alignment with the trunk
  • Therapist flexes the right knee to assess free range and holds the knee flexed just short of end range
  • Therapist then applies a PA glide to the femur from medial to lateral to find the direction of the greatest restriction
  • The therapist then mobilizes the hip in a PA direction applying grade III to IV mobs for 1-2 minutes

Mobilization of Adverse Neural Tension on the R side of the Cervical Spine

in 3 Movement Tests Upper Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Manual Therapy, All Upper Quarter, Cervical Flexion Mobility, Manual Stretching, Mobilization, Shoulder Abduction

Mobilization of Adverse Neural Tension on the R side of the Cervical Spine

  • The therapist introduces translation from right to left with his/her contact on the dysfunctional articular pillar.
  • The patient is instructed to slowly abduct their R arm along the table as far as they can while the therapist maintains the right to left translated position of the cervical spine and prevents the dysfunctional segment from translating back to the right.
  • This is repeated several times. Each time the patient lowers their arm to their side the therapist takes up any additional slack for right to left translation.
  • Goals for treatment: translation from right to left at the previously noted dysfunctional segment is now free and the patient should be able to fully and comfortably abduct the right shoulder overhead without the therapist feeling the cervical spine translate to the right at any segmental level.

Rib Cage Mobilization from the Back with IR and ER of the Shoulder

in 3 Movement Tests Upper Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Manual Therapy, All Upper Quarter, Mobilization, Pectoralis Minor/Posterior Capsule, Scapular Depression

Rib Cage Mobilization from the Back with IR and ER of the Shoulder

  • Once the therapist identifies the most restricted rib, he applies an anteriorly directed pressure to the superior border of the rib to promote internal torsion/IR of that rib
  • The patient is then instructed to IR and then ER the arm while the therapist maintains steady pressure on the superior border of the rib
  • Since IR of the arm promotes IR rotation of the rib, the therapist follows the rib during IR and blocks the rib from moving into ER when the patient ER their arm
  • The patient is instructed to ER/IR their arm repeatedly 7-8 times while the therapist maintains steady PA pressure to the rib angle

PA Mobilization to the Rib Angles to Increase Thoracic Rotation to the Left

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 3 Movement Tests Upper Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Lower Quarter, All Manual Therapy, All Upper Quarter, Mobilization, Pectoralis Minor/Posterior Capsule, Scapular Depression, Scapular Stabilization, Shoulder Circle

PA Mobilization to the Rib Angles to Increase Thoracic Rotation to the Left

  • The patient is lying on their left side with their right arm resting on top of the left
  • The therapist places a reinforced thumb on the rib angle of each rib and assesses mobility for anterior glide and IR of the rib

AP Mobilization of the L Sternochondral Joints with IR and ER of the Shoulder

in 3 Movement Tests Upper Quarter, 4 Manual Therapy Strategies, All Manual Therapy, All Upper Quarter, Mobilization, Pectoralis Minor/Posterior Capsule, Scapular Depression, Shoulder Circle

AP Mobilization of the L Sternochondral Joints with IR and ER of the Shoulder

  • Once the therapist has located the restricted rib(s) further specificity for mobilization can be made by having the patient IR and ER their arm while the therapist maintains AP pressure on the superior border of the rib at the sternochondral joint
  • Since ER of the arm promotes ER rotation of the rib, the therapist follows the rib during ER and blocks the rib from moving into IR when the patient IR their arm
  • The patient is instructed to ER/IR their arm repeatedly 7-8 times while the therapist maintains steady AP pressure to the superior border of the rib