Star Diagram

in 2 Movement Tests Lower Quarter, 5 Home Exercise Strategy, All Home Exercises, All Lower Quarter, Functional Integration, Hip ABD Firing Pattern, Hip EXT Firing Pattern, Sensorimotor, Supine Hip ABD and ER

Star Diagram

Closed kinetic chain facilitation of the gluteal muscles:

  • With the patient’s arms at their sides instruct the patient to advance the right leg as far forward as possible keeping their right foot approximately an inch off the floor as they bend the left knee.
    The patient then reaches back as far as they can with the right foot staying an inch off the floor.
  • Then ask the patient to reach with their right foot out to the side and finally to draw a star taking the right foot behind and to the left and forward to the right and finally back to the right keeping the right foot an inch off the floor each time and bending their left knee as far as possible.
  • Repeat in each direction 4 to 5 times, then repeat standing on the right leg.
  • Make sure to watch for any valgus deviation of the stance knee during this retraining, which should be avoided.

Half Kneeling – R knee up and L knee down

in 1 Sensorimotor Imbalances, 5 Home Exercise Strategy, All Home Exercises, All Sensorimotor Imbalances, Retraining, Sensorimotor

Half Kneeling – R knee up and L knee down

Patient attempts to rise straight up off the floor just a couple of inches and holds for 30 seconds, alternating legs and repeating 3-5 times on each side.

Instruct the patient to come straight up and maintain a 90 degree angle at both knees as much as possible.

They can increase the level of difficulty by placing a wobble disc under the R foot.