Feldenkrais Thoracic Spine Rotation

  • The patient is lying on their back with both knees bent up and the feet flat on the floor with their arms straight out in front and with palms together.
  • Instruct the patient to take their arms to the right and turn their head to the right as far as they can comfortably, then repeat to the left side to determine which side is easier to do.
  • Then if they found it was easier to turn to the right side, have them take their arms to the right while they turn their head to the left as far as they can comfortably and without straining, then have them bring the head and arms back to the midline starting position and repeat 5 times, rotating their head and arms in opposite directions.
  • Then ask them to recheck their ability to turn to the right while looking to the right and see if it’s even easier than before.
  • Then repeat these movements going the opposite way with their arms going to the left as they turn the head to the right, repeat 5 times, then they stop and recheck their ability to bring their arms to the left as they look to the left.
  • They patient is instructed to finish by bringing their arms to the right as they look to the right and arms to the left as they look to the left, back and forth 5 times each way.
  • Then have the patient recheck their ability to rotate the pelvis towards 3 and 9 o’clock to see if it’s easier to perform.