Kettle Bell Shoulder Integration – Supine
To promote stability of the R shoulder:
- The patient is lying on their R side and they grasp a kettle bell with both hands with the R hand inside the loop of the bell and the L hand on top.
- Instruct the patient to keep the bell close to their body as they roll onto their back.
- Once on their back have the patient straighten their L leg and secure the kettle bell with their R hand only. Then have the patient exhale as they press the kettle bell up towards the ceiling keeping their wrist in a neutral position.
- Once the elbow is fully extended instruct the patient to find the sweet spot for stabilization of their shoulder by drawing the humeral head back down into the glenoid fossa to “pack” the shoulder.
- While holding this position have the patient turn their head slowly to the R and L and internally and externally rotate their arm 3-5 times each way without losing the packing of the shoulder.
- The patient should keep their neck relaxed and avoid holding their breath.
- Once they have completed the exercise have them bring the kettle bell back down to the chest, grasp the bell with both hands and keeping the bell close to their body they roll back onto their R side and place the kettle bell down.
- Have them repeat the exercise on the other side for the L shoulder.