Levator Scapulae Self Stretch
To stretch the right levator scapulae:
- The patient is instructed to sit with the head positioned in flexion, left side bending and left rotation, as though looking down towards the left hip.
- Their left hand is placed on top and around their head for support. Instruct the patient not to pull on their head with the left hand.
- The right hand is placed behind the right hip and grasps the chair/bench.
- Ask the patient to slowly lean forward and to the left to feel a stretch along the right side of their neck.
- To facilitate a balance between the levator scapulae and ipsilateral lower trapezius, instruct the patient to pull their right shoulder down and back using the lower trapezius muscle. If done properly they should feel an additional stretch in the levator scapulae muscle.
- They hold for 20 seconds and repeat 2-3 times on each side.