Muscle Energy Technique: ERS Dysfunction in the Lower Thoracic Spine

  • The therapist places their L index and middle fingers on the L side of the spinous processes and translates the spine towards him looking for any restriction in L to R translation (L side bending). If the restriction is worse in flexion and improves in extension the diagnosis is an ERS R.
  • To treat the ERS R the therapist has the patient sit up tall initially, then introduces flexion from above down and below up creating an apex for flexion at the palpated segment. L side bending is then introduced by translating the patient’s shoulders from L to R to the feather edge of the L side bending barrier.
    The patient is instructed to gently side bend to the R for 5-7 seconds and then relax.
  • The therapist takes up the slack by further translating the shoulders to the R. This is repeated 3-4 times.