Piriformis Self Stretch above 90 degrees
To Stretch the Left Piriformis:
- Starting from the hands and knees position, the patient places the left foot across and underneath the trunk so that the arch of the foot is facing the ceiling with the left knee remaining outside of the trunk.
- Have the patient stretch out the right leg straight behind them while keeping the pelvis straight.
- Instruct the patient to gradually sink down until they feel a stretch in the left buttocks. You can have the patient either stay up with their elbows extended or have them come down to rest on their forearms.
- Ask the patient to press their left leg straight down into the table or floor for 5-7 seconds, then relax and stretch further by sliding the right leg further back making sure that they keep the pelvis level.
- Repeat a series of contract/relax efforts 3-4 times.
- No pain should be felt in the left knee or low back during this exercise.