Posterior Capsule Self Stretch

In comparing the sleeper stretch with the cross body stretch in a group of asymptomatic recreational athletes the cross body stretch improved IR ROM better and the results lasted longer (McClure et al., 2007). However, they performed the cross body stretch with the shoulder internally rotated which we believe can lead to impingement and therefore we prefer to have the patient perform the stretch with ER of the shoulder and emphasize contralateral upper thoracic spinal rotation instead. We believe that it is the mobilization of the thoracic spine for contralateral rotation that explains the superior results with the cross body stretch.

To stretch the left posterior capsule:

  • The patient is seated and is instructed to bring their left arm up until parallel to the floor with their fingers pointing up towards the ceiling and the left elbow bent to 90 degrees.
  • They place their right hand on the outside of the left elbow.
  • Instruct the patient to use their right hand to pull their left elbow across in front of them keeping the left elbow bent and their left palm facing behind them.
  • Have the patient rotate their trunk as far as they can to the right to enhance the stretch and increase upper thoracic spinal rotation to the right.
  • The patient is instructed to hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.
  • It’s important that you watch to make sure that the patient does not slump as they rotate to the right.