Seated UE D2 Flexion Diagonals
- The patient is sitting in chair with their feet supported on the ground or small stool.
- Instruct them to reach their R hand across the body, making a fist so the palm of their hand faces the outside of the left upper thigh and they are looking down at their right hand.
- Ask the patient to inhale and bring their right shoulder blade towards their L back pocket while they raise the R arm up and diagonally across their body ending up with the elbow and wrist extended, the palm open and the thumb facing backward. Instruct the patient to follow their R arm with their eyes throughout the exercise.
- The patient exhales as they slowly lower their arm back to the starting position.
- Have the patient repeat this sequence 6-8 times then switch sides.
- Once they are able to perform this pattern correctly, you can add resistive bands that are held in the hands to increase the difficulty of this exercise.