Short Hip Adductor Self Stretch
Short Hip Adductor Self Stretch
- The patient is sitting it with their back up against the wall, the soles of the feet are together and the knees are allowed drop out.
- Patient places their hands on the floor behind the hips. Instruct the patient to press down on their hands to unweight the spine and roll the pelvis forward (toward 6:00). They hold this stretch position for 20 to 30 seconds.
- They should feel a deep stretch in the groin when rolling the pelvis forward toward 6:00.
- Then have the patient roll the pelvis back toward 12:00. Repeat this rocking of the pelvis toward 6:00 then back toward 12:00 several times.
- Instruct the patient not to push the knees down towards the floor with their hands, but ask them to actively attempt to move their knees closer to the floor while rolling the pelvis toward 6:00.