Side Bridges/Planks with Knees Straight

  • The patient starts in sidelying with the R forearm under their R shoulder and the L hand on the L hip with the hips and knees straight.
  • Ask the patient to lift the R hip off the table until their spine is straight and have them hold the position for 10 seconds and repeat 3 to 4 times.
  • They are instructed to repeat this exercise on the left side.
  • The goal is for the patient to work up to 10 reps with 10 second holds on both sides with the hips and knees straight.
  • Boren et al., 2011 reported the highest levels of % of MCIV for the gluteus medius occurred with side planks so caution is advised before advancing a patient to this exercise, especially in the presence of severe atrophy or post hip surgery.