Standing Pelvic Clocks

Standing Pelvic Clocks

The patient is standing facing a wall with their hands on the wall at about shoulder height and their feet hip width apart. Instruct the patient to imagine that they are standing on a clock on the floor such that when dropping the hips towards the wall they are moving towards 12 o’clock. Moving the hips forward and to the right is movement towards 1-2 o’clock and moving the hips forward and to the left is movement towards 10-11 o’clock.

They are instructed to drop their hips toward the wall then circle around from 12 to 3 and from 12 to 9.

They move in both a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, maintaining extension of their spine. They can focus on movement towards 1-2 o’clock to self mobilize for an FRS R or towards 10-11 o’clock to self mobilize for an FRS L.

They repeat the prescribed movement 10 times.