Stretch the Left Iliopsoas
To Stretch the Left Iliopsoas:
- The patient starts in half kneeling with the left knee placed on a towel or pillow on the floor with the hip internally rotated and the right hip and knee flexed to 90º. Their right hand may be placed on a chair or against the wall for support.
- Have them place their left hand on their left buttocks. They are instructed to tighten the left buttocks muscle and tuck the hips under (12:00). They draw the belly button in and keep the shoulders centered over the hips so that they don’t arch the back.
- Instruct the patient to use their right leg to pull the pelvis forward leading with the front of the left hip. They should feel a stretch in the front of the left leg/thigh. Further stretch can be obtained by maintaining this stretch position and side bending the trunk away (toward the right).
- They are instructed to hold the stretch for 30 seconds 2-3 times or perform a series of isometric contractions attempting to pull the left hip forward for 5-7 seconds then relaxing and stretching further.
- Then have the patient switch sides and repeat with the right leg.