Supine Bridging – Bilateral and Unilateral
To activate and strengthen the gluteus maximus:
- The patient is lying on their back with knees bent and feet hip width apart.
- Instruct the patient to find a neutral lumbar spine, midway between the end range of 12:00 and 6:00 then draw the belly in towards the spine.
- Ask the patient to lift the toes up and push the heels away to tighten the quadriceps, then lift the hips up off the table while maintaining a neutral spine.
- Instruct the patient to tighten the buttocks muscles as they bridge up.
- Don’t let the patient lift up so high that they arch the lower back and lose the neutral position.
- Have the patient hold for 10 seconds and repeat initially 3-5 times.
- As the patient become stronger, they can attempt to straighten one knee while in the bridge position. They hold for 10 seconds and alternate with the opposite leg before lowering to the table. Make sure the pelvis doesn’t drop and the hamstrings do not cramp. Cramping of the hamstrings is an indication that the gluteus maximus is not engaged enough and that this exercise is too advanced for the patient.
- Pushing away with the heels activates the quadriceps to inhibit the hamstrings from working to hard.