Supine Heel Slide and/or Prone Hip Extension

Hip Flexors


Psoas attaches to the transverse processes and vertebral bodies from T12 to L5
Iliacus attaches to the iliac fossa and sometimes anterior sacral base
Powerful hip flexor and slight ER of the hip, side bends the LS to the same side and rotates away, when hypertonic these muscles limit hip extension
Innervation: Femoral nerve – L2, 3 and 4

Tensor Fascia Latae:

Attached at the anterior iliac crest and ASIS
Inserts into the IT band
Flexes, abducts and internally rotates the hip, externally rotates the knee
Innervation –Superior gluteal n. L4,5 and S1

Rectus Femoris:

Attached to the AIIS and the anterior hip capsule
Flexes the hip and extends the knee
Pain in the front of the knee cap is often a sign of a tight rectus femoris
Innervation – femoral n. L2, 3, and 4