Tall Kneeling Chops and Lifts

  • Chopping is the downward movement across the body from a high position to a low position and lifting is the upward movement from a low position to a high position.
  • The patient starts in kneeling with a dowel in both hands with the palm of the top hand facing upwards (supinated) and the palm of the lower hand facing down (pronated).
  • Ask the patient to keep their eyes and head facing forward as they raise and lower the dowel in front of their body with both arms.
  • Their trunk should remain still and their spine in neutral as they perform 6-8 repetitions.
  • Then have them switch their hand positions and repeat the chop and lifting motions in the opposite direction.
  • The patient can begin this exercise with their knees initially separated for a more stable base and then bring the knees close together to increase the level of difficulty.