Unilateral Hip Abduction and External Rotation
- The patient is lying on the back, with their thumbs placed above the ASISs to monitor pelvic stability.
- The patient is instructed to find the midpoint between 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock then draw the belly in towards the spine without flattening the low back so that they maintain a neutral lumbar spine.
- The patient continues to monitor the position of the ASISs as they slowly drop the right knee out to the side.
- The patient is instructed that if the R ASIS drops inferiorly when compared to the L ASIS while abducting and externally rotating the R hip they are to return back to the midline and start over.
- The patient is instructed not to drop the R knee out to the side further than they can maintain leveling at the ASISs.
- Repeat on both sides for 3-5 repetitions to start, increasing to 10 reps.